Closing the 2012 Chapter

As this year draws to a close, my heart is so satisfied with the journey of these last few months of 2012. Come along on this journey as I give a few glimpses of what I have been up to as well as what is coming up in 2013.
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One of my hopes from training the students that come to the School of Reconciliation and Justice (SORJ) is being able to see and to help them as they develop their programs in their home countries. Jitu and Vanessa attended the 2010 school and their project was on developing a Peace and Reconciliation Center in Spain where Vanessa is from. With Jitu coming from India, they want to be able to train peacemakers and social workers who can work in India and other places where there are needs. They invited me to come for a week to teach on Social Justice and the Biblical Mandate.
It was my first trip to Madrid and what fun to be in a Spanish speaking community with all the joy of a Hispanic culture. I felt right at home. The highlight of this time of teaching was being able to train so many that work as social workers and in the current economic situation, their work is invaluable. I look forward to more time with Jitu and Vanessa and their darling son.

Art and Justice Issues...Lucia's artistry
Luton and SORJ 2013

Mother Theresa said: ‘We should be the fragrance of Christ.’ As we come through the world as a community of people, we should remind folks of the goodness of God by whose grace we are together. And this is certainly not so that people will praise the things we do, but that they can’t help but recognize how good our God is.” Shane Claiborne, New Monasticism as Fresh Expressions of Church

In 2001, living in Beirut, I often dreamed of running a reconciliation school in a neighborhood where we could make a difference and over the past 2 years, I have felt it was time to leave Highfield Oval and move into Luton, 5 miles down the road.  So over these past few months, we have been looking at many different houses in Luton in order to move the school and RW office to Luton. We have looked at a lot of property in our search for the right location. We want to live in a neighborhood where we can invest in the lives our neighbors as well as the wider town which is  multi-cultural. We would also like to work with a local church so it has been an adventure taking steps looking for the right place. At the moment, we are waiting for a decision concerning a property that seems perfect …. So more will follow on this story.

In the meantime, we will remain at the Oval and welcome in the next SORJ which begins January 10th so as this year closes, we are preparing for the arrival of the students from New Zealand, Ireland, Costa Rica, Brazil, Canada, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Nanzip and I are waiting for Solomon to return from Nigeria to help us with the school. So a new adventure will begin with these students.

Nanzip welcoming in the newcomers!

Journey of Understanding Trips 2013

We are planning two trips to Israel/Palestine for 2013 : May 30 - June 10 and October 24 - November 4th. If you have not been, take time to consider if now is the time. Our 10 day trip covers Jerusalem, Bethlehem area and the Galilee. Come meet Israelis and Palestinians who work in a variety of ways to build bridges with their neighbors. As well we visit the biblical sites and visit the “Living Stones”. Each trip brings new revelations of the beauty of these people in the Middle East and also new insights into how the gospel breaks down dividing walls to build new relationships. You will find all the information you need at

Reconciliation Walk website
We have a new, improved  website, that covers all the work coming from the RW, and SORJ and the Journey of Understanding. Thank you, Steve, for all of your wonderful labor.

Thank you Holmstead Manor DTS...we had a great time
Happy New Year  
I pray for the very best of God's love, mercy, and peace to fill your days as 2013 unfolds. 

Prayers for Our Children

I met these little girls outside their school where they were showing off their school uniforms to the visitors. They wandered off after telling us stories from school that day.

Sitting in a street restaurant, these three little
girls came wandering by heading home after classes.
With their heads turned towards each other, it was
easy to see them talking about all the events of their
 school day

Watching the pictures from Israel and Gaza over the last few days, I have thought about these little girls several times. In the midst of the military reports, it is easy to forget that these are the people behind the walls on each side of this battle.

The girls in the top picture live in Gaza and attended a Christian school that educated the poorest of the poor in Gaza City, and the second picture is from the Jewish Quarter in the Old City, Jerusalem where these precious girls were walking home.

As you watch the news, I want to ask us to pray for these children caught in the violence and hatred that separate their people. I was reminded this morning of Jesus healing the Roman centurion's servant and Jesus didn't hesitate to save the life of a person who was Israel's enemy and oppressor. He saved the life of a person made in the image of God, one of his Father's children. On both sides, the innocent are suffering and if a ground offensive goes ahead, many others will be in danger.

So as you watch the news, remember these children with their simple hopes and dreams.
What will life bring them? 
What are our Father's hope for their lives? 
He created each one, and our prayers may make all the difference. Let us pray for the God of compassion and mercy to lead both sides towards knowing how to solve this conflict. Let the love of Jesus shine through our prayers as we ask our Father to restore hope to people who are living in fear.
